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Provides quality training to individuals who wish to begin a  professional career in holistic healthcare. We offer a variety of courses to choose from. Upon completion of the course students will become certified and qualify for accreditation with the American Association Of Drugless Practitioners.

Courses currently offered are

Holistic Detox Specialist-This course will include  learning

How to cleanse and restore the body

Eliminate toxins

   Prevent disease and ailments within the body

Toxin and disease detection

Detoxification and protocols used by health professionals

Upon completion of modules, quizzes, and final assessment students will receive certification and can begin their journey as a Holistic healthcare professional

Women's Holistic Health Practitioner  - This course will include

Basic female anatomy

Knowledge of hormones and levels

Treating protocols

Disorder identification

Upon completion of modules, quizzes, and final assessments students will receive certification and can begin their journey as a holistic healthcare professional

Naturopathy - Course includes

History of Naturopathy

Basic Anatomy and Physiology

Vitamins and Minerals Nutritional Therapy


Western Herbology


 Flower Remedies


Treatment Plans and Contraindications

Disorders of the body

Detection Methods

Detox Protocol

Lab Testing For Naturopath professionals

Upon completion of modules, quizzes, and final assessments students will receive certification and can begin their journey as a holistic healthcare professional

Neurotherapy course includes


Brain development  and function

Brain disorders

Introduction to Neurofeedback

Upon completion of modules, quizzes, and final assessments students will receive certification in both Neuropsychology and Introduction to Neurofeedback.  Students can then begin their journey in the field of Neurotherapy, membership and additional training will also be available.

All courses are self paced and typically take between 6 - 12 months for completion. In office training is available to students upon completion of online course (Austell/Douglasville, GA ) location.  Payments are nonrefundable and certification will not be received until all courses are paid in full. Applications and payment must be received before beginning courses.

7193 Douglas Blvd

Douglasville, Ga 30135

(770) 415- 1232   (678) 846- 3468

(470) 387- 9149

Course Prices

Choose your course

Women's Holistic  Health Practitioner


Course Prices

Choose your course

Course Prices

Holistic Detox Specialist In Office Training


Upon completion of online course students have the option to receive in office training. This  training will give students the opportunity to shadow a detox specialist. Learn detox methods, operate  detox machinery, as well a s gaining  patient interaction skills. Length of training  2  weeks.

Naturopath In Office Training


Students will get 1 month of in office  Naturopath  training. Which includes

Patient interaction

Office Skills

Business training


Women's Holistic Health Practitioner Training


2  week in office training. Which will include 

Patient interaction

Office Skills

Treatment  Methods (hands on)


Course Prices

Neurotherapy In Office Training


Upon completion of online course students have the option to receive in office training. This  training will give students the opportunity to shadow a  neurotherapist. Learn treatment methods, operate  machinery, as well a s gaining  patient interaction skills. Length of training  2  weeks.

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